The Truest Friends Are Made of Flaws


Everyone you love is flawed. You already know this, but you have no idea how deeply, catastrophically, crazily flawed they are until you see them beaten and bruised and lying at the bottom of a shower, curled up, not knowing where their life is going. There are two things people do when they see someone that way. They do the minimal they can to comfort, all the while looking for a door to escape out of, and the person never hear from them again. Or, they take them by the hand, draw them out of the shower, wrap them in a towel and tuck them into bed. Then they lay beside them and allow them to just grieve, or hurt, or break. That, that is what makes you a good friend, when you can be the latter and not the former.

Everything and everyone breaks once in a while. Society insists we wear this facade of “lets be charming and fun at all times”, but the truth is no one is charming and fun at all times and if you can find people who can see you broken and still stay, you are one of the luckiest people in the whole world. If you can see each other’s flaws and still love each other, you are luckier still. In life, always strive to be the kind of person who can see humans at their worst and still love them, because that is when they need love the most.

This is how you will build friendships that last. This is how you will build happiness. This is how you build relationships. So be good, be kind to people when they are fragile. Because the best ever friendships are made when people let each other see their flaws, their vulnerability and love each other anyway.