The Truth Is It Was Easy To Replace You


It was easy to replace you. It was easy to find someone better. It was easy to realize that you were not meant to be in my future because you had nothing more to offer — nothing more than heartbreak.

It’s easy to replace someone who didn’t give you much to remember or much to lose.

It was easy to replace our spark because you burnt it out every time we lit it up. It was easy to find new flames that flicker with every word and every touch. It was easy to find a connection that lasted because you always made it a point to disconnect after we got too close.

It was easy to replace all the things you never gave me. It was easy to find them in someone else.

It was easy to replace our limited time together with someone who wants to spend more time with me. Someone who wants to do more things together. Someone who doesn’t like being alone. Someone who doesn’t string another heart along just because they’re lonely or bored or confused.

It was easy to replace your unyielding heart with a softer one. A heart that wants to give. A heart that wants to love.

It was easy to replace you because you always replaced me.

It was easy to replace you because you never really understood what’s irreplaceable or the value of important things like love, loyalty, depth and vulnerability. These are all the things you should hold on to when you find because one day you can wake up and society can replace everything you’ve ever been chasing and you will be left with nothing else to give; nothing else to live for.

And that’s when you will look back at all the people you replaced for temporary things and you it will hit you that these are the people who could have stayed with you forever and you chose to let them go.