The Ultimate Expression Of Love


Way before I actually knew you, before you even thought of me, I already knew you.

My subconscious was drawn to you and in a sense it knew I needed to learn something from you.

It didn’t take long to recognize bits of myself in you, even when you didn’t say much.

The first few weeks we spent together, I was certain my heart would break through to get to you.

But it is still safely resting in my chest.

Last week you asked to stop by again.

I was in the backyard with wild wet hair, spilling words into the notebook I had picked out with you weeks before.

The sun was finally forgiving enough to enjoy the summer evening and there was a slight breeze whispering through the trees.

My eyes lit up when I heard the back gate open and I was eager to greet you.

You looked happy and healthy and it felt warm to hug you and hear you say my name.

We talked about life experiences, hopes and dreams.

Costa Rica.


Your need to be free and my need to let go.

We laughed and joked. You even humored me a little.

It always seems as no time has passed.

I remember the point in time when both of us had to decide if we would accept one another as we were or walk away.

You felt so safe, but we both knew we had to fight our own demons instead of hiding from them with each other.

You figured that out before I did.

I felt irrational and misunderstood and you always were honest and patient.

I am so glad you are still around, even if our paths don’t intertwine the way they used to.

I will always love you.

And love is incredible in its purest form.

Love is bravery and admiring someone without having to make them yours.

The ultimate expression of love is releasing someone to pursue their journey of finding themselves.