There Is Going To Be A Day Where I Don’t Love You Anymore


To The Man Who Broke My Heart,

The day is going to hit when I am no longer there when I am no longer a phone call away. The day is going to come when I no longer wear your shirts, look at your pictures, or write about you. The day will come when you realize you left something worth keeping for something transient.

The day will come when my memory of you will fade. The day will come when something small with catch your attention, and you will think of me. You will think of me when someone passes you on the street and you get a whiff of their conditioner. You will think of me the next time you clean your apartment and my hair is everywhere. And the memory of me will spark the next time you compare nights spent with me to the new girl laying in your bed.

The day will come when you close your eyes and I am everywhere. And when that day comes, I will be gone. Because when that day comes, the memory I have of you will be gone. That “perfect you” will have disappeared, and in its place will be the person everyone else saw. The person who would constantly choose everyone else over the person that loved him. The person who would constantly take and never give. That person will forever take the place of the “perfect you”.

The day will come when you want me back, and when that day comes, I will not answer. Because when that day comes, I promise you, I will be putting myself first.

That day is here, that day is today, and today is the start of my future without you. So let me be and let me grow, because I am ready to fly.