There’s More To Beauty Than Lipstick And Highlighter


I love my highlighter. I love the way my lips pout a little more firmly when I finish putting on a perfect coat of lipstick. I love having a good make-up day. I love when I find that perfect staple shade that I just keep reaching for every time I want color on my lips. I love when I feel beautiful on the outside, but that’s not everything. Lipstick and highlighter and any other dazzled make up product are not the only components to beauty.

We are more than the foundation and curled lashes on our face. We are more than just waking up each day only feeling enough when we’re all dolled up.

You see, we are so conditioned to thinking beauty is simply just an exterior concept. That to be beautiful, you must look like it. You must have the products, the face, the body or whatever else marketing has subliminally convinced us of. And while you can feel beautiful from all of those supplemental products, you need to also embrace and celebrate the other portions of beauty. The very portions that make up your personality and the way you live your life.

Because being beautiful on the outside is only valid when it stems from inner beauty first.

It is our responsibility to further explore beauty within ourselves. And if for you, thinking about your inner-self being beautiful is awkward or uncomfortable, that is the exact reason we must give it even more attention.

Because we are exactly that: beautiful fucking beings.

Our minds, our desires, our turn-ons, our fantasies, our goals, our dreams, our thoughts at 1:00am, our hobbies, our traditions, and everything that makes us individually unique; that’s beautiful. Being alive is beautiful. Being present and mindful is beautiful. Being human is beautiful and we need to begin to realize how wonderful that exactly is.

I want you to get obsessed with the idea of being beautiful that isn’t strictly exterior based. Because beauty already exists within you but often we suppress it out of incorrect beliefs that beauty is purely looks related.

It’s not.

We cannot waste our days preoccupied with selecting the perfect blush color or only living when we have painted our faces to match up with our beauty expectations. You already are beautiful by just being. There is so much more to beauty than cosmetics and the sooner you realize this, the sooner you begin to stop taking your body, your life, and your time on this earth for granted.