This Bizarre Polish PSA On Accepting Facebook Friends Is Confusing And Borderline NSFW
PSAs generally convey important information, but the message got lost in this one. This PSA entitled “Be Careful Who You Accept a Friend Request from in Real Life” takes you on an adventure which seems to have a predictable destination. Not the case.
A guy accepts a friend request from some girl he has no mutual friends with, and it could have ended there. Freeze frame with the text “Don’t do be like this idiot.” The journey continues with this naive young man going to the bar with his buddies where he meets up with Facebook lady. They’re having a good old time. The two clearly have some sexual chemistry, which has to be the only chemistry considering they didn’t take the time to actually talk. The two dance, get drunk and exchange provocative looks. They leave the bar and head back to his place, I’m guessing. He puts on some music, breaks out the candles and right as he’s about to remove her panties we get the message: “She is HIV positive. Now you are too.”
Some serious concerns here. First off, no I’m not HIV positive! I’m not the one who had sex with the dumb disease bucket. Another major question I have, “Why is Facebook even involved?” They could have just had this gentleman go to the bar with his friends and meet the strange woman there. The overall lesson is distorted and now I have to assume anyone who friend requests me has AIDS. If this is really about Facebook they could have gone the stalker/murderer/rapist route, but nope! Diseases.
I’m going to be completely honest as I refer back to my claim regarding “a predictable destination.” The whole time viewing I swore this woman was going to pull out a penis. I know I’m not alone here. It’s ridiculous but it certainly would have made more sense with the whole theme of being cautious about who you accept as a friend. “Look out for the chicks with dicks!” A far more reasonable drift.
Lastly, I’d like to address my major concern about this man’s decisions. Why is he wearing Google Glass to the club? Secondly, why didn’t the girl just leave right there? Clearly she must be a freak if she’s willing to let a guy publicly wearing Google Glass inside of her. This fella can wear $1500 eyewear, put on sensual music, light candles, break out rosepetals but can’t wear a damn condom?
The comprehensive point I take from this is any woman willing to meet up and have sex with you after one day is either STD-ridden, crazy or both.