This Brazilian Photographer Caught The Moment Lightning Struck A Swimmer Dead
If you’re squeamish, I recommend that you don’t click.
Photographer Rogério Soares caught an eerie moment with his camera. A woman struck dead by lightning on a beach.
The swimmers ignored warnings, ultimately leading to Rosangela Biavati, who was 36-years-old, to be struck by lightning.
Apparently the people she was with tried to resuscitate her for 2 minutes, but to no avail.
Rogério Soares on Biavati’s death:
It was very impressive. It was a mixture of horror and sadness. [I do not know] what to do. It was awesome. It seems that the lightning was just waiting for her to come because she had children in the water at that moment. — A Tribuna
Please, everyone, stay out of the water when there’s a storm.