This Current ‘Bachelorette’ Contestant Just Got Convicted Of Indecent Assault And Battery


You might know Lincoln Adim as the accent-wielding account executive who’s currently fighting for Bachelorette Becca Kufrin’s heart who’s already shrouded in controversy. He’s already getting in fights with other contestants and allegedly got caught cheating on one of the show’s challenges, causing many Bachelorette fans to become skeptical of him.

But Adim’s biggest offense has nothing to do with the Bachelor franchise at all. According to Reality Steve, Adim was recently convicted of groping and assaulting a woman on a cruise ship. While he was officially convicted on May 21, 2018, the incident actually happened two years earlier, in 2016.

On principle, there are a lot of rumors that circulate about people who compete in the Bachelor franchise. Reality Steve doesn’t bother reporting on all of them, especially when so many turn out to be false. But this time, Steve did his research, reaching out to the DA’s office in Massachusetts for a statement. This is what he got:

“Mr. Adim was convicted on May 21, 2018 of indecent assault and battery for groping and assaulting an adult female on a harbor cruise ship early on May 30, 2016. He was sentenced to one year in a house of correction, with that term suspended for a two-year probationary period. The judge ordered him to stay away from the victim and attend three Alcoholics Anonymous meetings per week during those two years. If he complies with the judge’s orders, he will not have to serve out his term, but if he fails to comply with those orders or re-offends, he could be ordered to serve out the year behind bars.”

Steve brings up a good point in his post: why the hell did ABC allow a man who’d been accused of sexual assault on the show? Even if he hadn’t been convicted yet, it’s clear that he was still tangled up in the legal battle when he appeared on the show. Did ABC even bother to do a background check on him, or if they did, did they just not care? It seems like a pretty careless thing to let slip through considering this is a dating show where the men will spend plenty of time alone with the woman they’re vying for.

I’m just gonna take a wild guess and say Adim probably isn’t Becca’s dream man in the end, so it’s probably a matter of time before he’s off the show. And now that he’s a convicted sex offender, I can’t imagine he’ll come back for the “Men Tell All” at the end of the season. At least, I hope not. Come on, ABC.