This Guitarist Was Playing During The Las Vegas Shooting And Now His Opinion On Gun Control Has Drastically Changed


It’s one thing to hear about a mass shooting and another thing entirely to experience it. Facing the life-or-death situation in Las Vegas this past weekend has changed this man for good — as well as his views on gun control.

Caleb Keeter, the guitarist for the Josh Abbott band, said he had “always been a proponent of the 2nd amendment” until he saw the victims of a mass shooting firsthand.

Keeter tweeted out screenshots of a note on his phone where he explained why he changed his mind:

Many people applauded Keeter’s bravery for speaking out on the issue and admitting that maybe his past views were wrong.

You’ll never know what it’s like to live through a mass shooting till you’re actually there, and it’s no surprise that something so monumental is enough to change someone’s mind. Sometimes you need a firsthand account to really see the consequences of your beliefs.