This Inspiring Documentary About Old People Using The Internet Will Be The Cutest Thing You See This Month


Do you remember the first time one of your grandparents or an elderly person in your life tried to use the internet? For myself I was in middle school in the late 90s and my grandmother created an account on AOL. She chose the screenname JudalBug because her name was Judy and Judalbug was my grandfather’s nickname for her. She thought it was really funny people all over the world could know her as her household nickname too.

In CyberSeniors we meet people just like my grandmother – seniors who are completely new to the internet and things like Google, Youtube, and e-mail. The documentary takes us into the lives of a group of senior citizens as they explore the online world with the help of teenage mentors while also showing us just how great the digital divide is between us and the baby boomer generation. It’s a sweet tale about how you’re never too old to learn something new.

When 89-year-old Shura creates a charming Youtube video about how to make the perfect grilled cheese sandwich (using an iron) she inspires the rest of the group to create their own Youtube videos. The results are both hilarious and touching. If you’re looking for a lighthearted, inspiring documentary to watch CyberSeniors just became available recently on OnDemand.