This Is A Time Of Healing
By Rania Naim
This is a time of healing. Healing your old wounds. Healing from the remains of the past. Healing yourself. Cleansing your soul. Finding who you really are again.
This is a time of letting go. Of plans and expectations. Of rules and timelines. Of everything that was holding you back. Of everything that you were forced to do. Of everyone you were told to be to make others happy.
This is a time of starting over. But this time you are the writer. You are holding the pen. You are choosing your life. You are deciding what your future will look like. You are going to keep roaming until you find your home.
This is a time of change. A time of transition. A time of dreaming bigger and going after your dreams. A time of being true to yourself and your life. This is the part where you face a lot of challenges but it doesn’t scare you. This is the moment you needed to change your life again. Turn your life around. Find the missing piece of the puzzle.
This is a time of hope. For a better future. For a better life. For a better love story. This is a time of happiness. You’re not broken. You’re not damaged. This is your time to shine. This is your time to stand out. This is YOUR time.
This is a time of moving on. From old stories you thought you should live. From toxic lovers who couldn’t treat you right. From people who belittle you. From anything that suffocates you.
This is a time of love. The one you’ve been seeking. The one you miss. The one you’ve been waiting for. This is the time for it. And you will find it because you will finally follow your heart and your heart knows where home is and it will go back and love will find you when you’re in the right place for it.
This is a time of gifts. The gifts the universe is preparing to bestow upon you and the gifts within you that you’re about to discover. The treasures you’re about to dig out. This is a time of blessings. A time of wonder. A time of breakthroughs.