This Is For The Women Who Are Proud To Give A Fuck


It’s hard to wear your heart on your sleeve in this world. You’re either viewed as sensitive or irrational or you just get swept under the rug with anything else considered “too emotional”

If you give a fuck about anything and actually showing it is one of the hardest things to do.

If you give a fuck about your job, you might be labelled “the woman who clings to her career because she can’t seem to settle.”

If you give a fuck about your appearance, you might be labelled “shallow and having the brain capacity of a peanut.”

If you give a fuck about your relationship, you might be labelled “needy and a doormat”

If you give a fuck about your kids, you might be labelled “just a housewife”

If you give a fuck about your hobbies, you might be labelled “irrelevant to society”

It’s impossible. We can never win. We need to be on top of everyone all the time without giving the impression that we actually give a fuck about it.

We need to be beautiful without giving too many fucks on our makeup and clothing.

We need to be independent thinkers without giving too many fucks on our own norms and values. Because a woman who thinks too much becomes too dangerous, right?

We need to be cookie-cutter mothers without giving the impression that it’s hard to raise children.

We need to be whores in the bedroom without giving the impression that we’re sexual beings when we are out in the daylight.

We need to be so many things at any given time without showing that we care about it. If we don’t, we get judged.

But you know what? Who gives a fuck?

It’s better to spread your fucks out to things that matter to you. Shine and be proud of the things you love to do. If someone doesn’t like it, who gives a fuck? Shine and your confidence will shine right back at you.

It’s hard to be a woman, but it’s even harder when you go against the stream. And for that, I applaud you for what you are: brave, confident, strong, independent, and above all else, a woman full of dignity.

You have my standing ovation.