This Is How You Deserve To Make The Most Out Of The Rest Of The Year, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
(March 21-April 19)
The most wonderful time of the year! You keep telling yourself you deserve to take December off, but we both know taking time off only stresses you out more. Don’t wait until January, sign up for that life coaching package you’ve had your eye on for 2018 now and use the rest of 2017 to craft your goals and plan of action to completely dominate next year.
(April 20-May 20)
Chestnuts roasting. What do you deserve, T? Three words: all the cookies. Light a fire, turn on Elf for the 8000th time, cuddle up in a blanket, and gobble up every last chocolatey, sugary, spiced, and sprinkled goodie.
(May 21-June 20)
Winter wonderland. Gem, you deserve to spend half your time partying it up in sequined outfits, champagne in hand, trying on looks from that new makeup palette you bought for yourself while you were supposed to be shopping for gifts (whoops). The other half will be spent chilling with cookies, recharging your batteries, and hiding out from the rest of the world.
(June 21-July 22)
Fa la la la la! You deserve to spend the rest of the year decking the halls like never before, creating a cozy, festive love nest. When your partner asks if you really need another Santa figurine, just ignore – you don’t need that kind of negativity in your life!
(July 23-August 22)
Holly jolly. Since you’ll be bouncing from holiday party to holiday party, you deserve to party it up in your trademark style, so don’t neglect to pick up a couple new sparkly party dresses and get a blowout too.
(August 23-September 22)
Peace on Earth. You deserve to have the neat and orderly holiday season of your dreams, so treat yourself to a cleaning service after hosting that holiday brunch, ok?
(September 23-October 22)
Jingle bells! You deserve to go on a snowy, romantic sleigh ride. Take your partner or your bff and bundle up with a hot toddy. If you’re far away from snow this year, hop in the car, crank the holly jolly music, and look at all the festive lights!
(October 23-November 21)
Silent night. Scorpio, I know you really want to get into it with Aunt Judy about politics this year, but you deserve some peace and joy too. Take a deep breath, and let it go. Try a meditation app or youtube yoga videos to help keep you grounded and calm.
(November 22-December 21)
I’m dreaming of a white [sandy beach for] Christmas. I know you want it – and you’re going to get it. Go check out those last minute flight deals because you deserve to spend the rest of the year on a spontaneous trip to a far flung destination. Everyone will pretend to be shocked, but will they really be?
(December 22-January 19)
Santa baby. You deserve to spend the rest of 2017 taking baby steps out of your comfort zone. Use a little vacation time (instead of hoarding it), hang the ornaments on the tree (imperfectly), and host that cocktail party without cleaning your house to perfection – embrace good enough.
(January 20 to February 18)
Carol of the books. Aquarius, everyone else may be satisfied to drink eggnog, sing weird songs (figgy pudding what?), and rock around the tree, but you deserve intellectual stimulation. Check out some of the “Best of” book lists floating around and pick a book to enjoy. Bonus: you’ll have some new conversation topics to share around the family dinner table.
(February 19 to March 20)
Making a list, checking it twice. Pisces, you deserve to finish the year without any regrets. Take a look at last year’s new year’s resolutions and your bucket list, and check some stuff off.