This Is How You Should Be Labeled
By Rania Naim
Most people label you by what you wear, the kind of car you drive, what job you have and how much money you make. Often these labels are shallow and impermanent, but this is how society likes to define us and consequently, this is how we sometimes define ourselves. But what we should really be labeled by; is who we are and who we’re trying to be.
You should be labeled by your pain. The hardships you endured, how gravely you suffered, the heartbreak that left you empty, the wounds that scarred your veins and the tragedies that became part of your story.
You should be labeled by you strength. How you survived your pain, how you healed or how you’re still healing, how you’re going to fight through the bad days and how you’re overcoming your own fears
You should be labeled by your kindness. By how giving you are and how big your heart is, by how forgiving you are and how compassionate you can be. By how far you’re willing to go for those you love without expecting anything in return and how much you’re willing to compromise for them.
You should be labeled by your love. How you can do anything for the one you love and how supportive you can be to your closest friends. How protective you are and how loyal you are and how you continue to love even after you’ve been hurt.
You should be labeled by your dreams. What you really want to be doing, how you want to change the world, how you want to change lives or change your life and how you want to be remembered long after you’re gone. You should be defined by your wishes and your dreams not by what you do to make ends meet.
You should be labeled by your hidden beauty. The beauty that shines from the inside, the beauty that has got nothing to with makeup or pretty outfits. The beauty that people can only see when they know you and discover the treasures you hold within.
You should be labeled by your soul. The energy you exude, the way you make people feel, the way you help them see the best in themselves and the way you try to make someone’s life better. How you see God, how you trust the universe and how you connect with the world around you.
You should be labeled by all the things that touched your heart and the things that blew your mind. You shouldn’t be labeled by the things that make you conform, you should be labeled by the things that make you stand out.