This Is The Kind Of Friend God Wants You To Have
It’s funny how people stick with us so close when they need us, and then treat us like a ghost when they’re done with us.
It hurts more if they are a good friend. Then, we would start thinking if they really have been or all this time they could have been just taking advantage of our kindness, our goodness, our dependability as a friend and most of all, our friendly love.
If you’re someone who takes friendship as serious thing like a career, like acing an exam or like catching the train for work, well, this is a huge blow for you.
Just like our job, we want to enjoy our friendship every day while working it out. Let’s admit it. We want our friendship to grow and make it last a lifetime. We find security in our true friends knowing that no matter what the world becomes, our friends won’t ever change. We know that we will never be alone because of our friends. That being said, loneliness, hopelessness, misery and agony are wiped out on our walls making us freer and happier.
But when that red flag starts waving at us like a war sign, it doesn’t just break us nor shatter us. It blows us off to the point that we would even start asking our self, “Have I done wrong???”
The truth is people are people. We change. We age. And, we either become more mature or less mature, as life throws at us all the things, bearable and unbearable. And though we cannot judge people, we can always make a choice.
As for me, if the relationship I have with a friend is slowly becoming a source of stress and anxiety, I start thinking if my friend is still worth my time, love and affection. In the same way, I also assess myself if I’m becoming too judgmental, too serious, too sensitive or plainly too careless about my life. I believe that not everyone we meet is supposed to stay in our lives. We ought to discern if our friendship with someone is worth keeping and nourishing.
I believe that friends are supposed to cater to our healthy life. A harmonious relationship is so much more than a daily vitamin we need to add to our vitality.
And it’s a spot on that to have a good friend, we have to be one. But, it’s also true that because life isn’t always fair, we can never get back the same. Let’s not expect or else we’ll get hit right through. So, we can just be the best version of ourselves, whether to a friend or a stranger. (All best friends were once a stranger.)
Discern how we appraise a real friendship. How do we say that someone is a real friend or not? What do we look into a friend? What’s important in a friendship? When could we say, a friend is a friend for life, that no matter what happens we won’t let anything nor anyone destroy our relationship because it’s just so worth the fight.
According to Proverbs 17:17 “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” So, if a person is just taking advantage of us, of our kindness and most of all our friendship, it’s about time to pray the hardest for our “friend?” and ask God to teach us how to deal with it. By this, all our lives will be saved from the misery and burden of an appalling friendship.
No matter what happens, always remember that a good friend is always worth the wait.