This Is Why My Mother Is Also My Best Friend


In all my years of living, I have never encountered someone more beautiful, strong, and caring as my mother.

Mom, you have stood by me all my life, teaching me right from wrong, loving me unconditionally, and always telling me the truth.

You carried me nine months in the womb and from the moment I was born, you never stopped loving me. You taught me how to walk, you saw me off to my first day of preschool, and now you are walking beside me as I grow older each day.

When I was little you taught me how to be kind to others and love those around me.

You taught me how to be a leader to those younger than me.

And you taught me how to be fiercely independent.

Because of you I believe in myself. You have always supported my dreams no matter how crazy they were. I have grown stronger from watching you be strong and have learned to love myself with the love that you have shown me.

You are the one person that I can talk to about absolutely anything. You know me better than anyone in the world.

You are the one that I tell my boy problems to, the one that I vent to, and you’re the first one I call when I have good or exciting news.

Thank you for always being honest with me, even when it breaks my heart. Thank you for protecting me and knowing what is best for me.

I am so thankful for everything that you do — the amount of sacrifices you have made for me is crazy. I am thankful that you have loved me through all the insane things that I do, and I am thankful that we share the same sarcastic attitude so we understand each other. I am so thankful that you have never left my side.

 Mom, I love you so much. Thank you for being my best friend.