This Mom Accidentally Decorated Her House With NSFW Pillows And You’ll Die Laughing When You Actually See It


Remember when we used to be the innocent ones and our parents tried determinedly to shield us from moral corruption? Oh, how the tables have turned.

Reddit user Waffle_Twat‘s mom is a good example of sheer innocence that you can’t help but think is hilariously adorable. She bought these throw pillows to decorate their house, but, uh, maybe that’s not such a good idea.

If you don’t see it at first, just look a little closer. I’ll wait.

That’s right. This mom just bought as penis pillow.

It’s an honest mistake, really. Those penises are pretty well-hidden, and it looks a lot like other flower patterns you can buy. It makes me wonder if the product description just failed to mention the very phallic detail.

Oh, come on, you’ve got to admit it’s pretty funny. People on Reddit definitely enjoyed it.

But, like, maybe it wasn’t a mistake?

If you’re digging the design and want to decorate your own house with it, you can buy the pillows here. Hey, no judgment — at least you actually know what you’re in for.