This Mom Thought She Was Just Getting A Mirror For Christmas, But Then She Noticed What Was In The Reflection


Nothing makes me happier than heartwarming, feel-good holiday stories. After all, isn’t that what the Christmas season is for? Sure, some may argue it’s a capitalist venture, but I’m an optimist. For me, it’s all about miracles.

Let’s just say this mom got a big one the other day when she was unwrapping her seemingly normal present. It turned out to be a giant mirror, which she seemed pretty “meh” about at first, but then she noticed the reflection.

Standing beside her was her daughter, who was in the military but came home to surprise her mom for Christmas. Am I the only one who cried at the mom’s reaction when she noticed her?

(Lol of course not, only a fool wouldn’t cry after seeing this.)

At least, it’s cute if you actually know what’s going on.

What a beautiful present, for both the mom and the Internet — we all needed something like this, too.