This Mom’s Hilarious Back-To-School Facebook Post Is The Most Relatable Thing On The Internet
Summer is coming to an end, which is pretty devastating for a lot of us. Not only do we have to say goodbye to pool days and daily popsicles, but it also means going back to school for some of us. But this Mom sure isn’t complaining — in fact, she’s celebrating.
Jena Willingham, a mother of three, decided to commemorate the start of the school year with a photo, but it didn’t turn out quite how you’d expect.
Willingham captioned the photo: “Happy First Day of School everyone! 😘😘😘”
You know what? I can’t even blame her. I’m not even a mom but I can assume that by the time the school year comes around, it’s almost like you go on your own little vacation. Apparently a lot of moms agree, because the photo went viral on Facebook pretty quickly — within a day, it’s received nearly 13,000 shares. Good for you, Jena — not only are the kids out of the house, but now you’re Internet famous.
Happy school year, moms. Grab a drink, sit down on the sofa and relax — you deserve it.