This Professor Completely Destroyed A Conservative Blogger’s Sexist Tweet About Modern Gender Roles
Matt Walsh is a conservative blogger who likes to stir the pot. Think of him as a male Tomi Lahren — loud, proud, and controversial.
So it’s not exactly surprising that Walsh’s tweet about Hurricane Harvey wasn’t exactly well-received, and I’m sure you can tell why.
Woman cradles and protects child. Man carries and protects both. This is how it ought to be, despite what your gender studies professor says
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) August 28, 2017
People were pretty annoyed that someone was taking an act of kindness during a devastating time and turning it into a debate about gender roles.
Can we not just appreciate a kind gesture from a gentleman WITHOUT making it a gender issue?
— Sara Denman ✈ (@sara_elizzy548) August 28, 2017
Oh so let's say a man is hurt, should I not protect him and carry him to safety because that's not how it "ought" to be?
— Hanna Fridén (@HannaFriden) August 29, 2017
I want you to wear this exact outfit when you show us a picture of your sexist ass rescuing flood victims, carrying women & babies, etc. THX
— STFU, Parents (@STFUParents) August 29, 2017
Others turned it into a joke, because it’s Twitter, duh.
And then you have this woman, an actual gender studies professor at the University of Notre Dame, who decided to take it into her own hands to own this dude’s ass.
What was that you were saying, Matt? I can’t hear you over the sound of your tweet being DESTROYED.