This School Tells Women They’re ‘Good Girls’ For Following Its Prom Dress Code And Everyone Is Creeped Out
There’s been a lot of talk about dress codes recently, but none quite as creepy as the one this high school posted about for prom.
Good thing they told us a week before prom it's not like everyone has their dress already…….
— Lily (@LILwillingham) March 27, 2017
Not only did the school post these signs one week before the prom, as Twitter-user LILwillingham pointed out, but it also used perhaps the worst wording ever.
“Going to the Stanton Prom?” the posters four posters read. Each had a picture of a different dress; the ones showing leg, back or cleavage read, “No you’re not.”
However, it was the one wearing an “appropriate” dress that was the creepiest: “Yes you are… Good girl.”
Um, excuse me?
Even without the whole controversy about whether or not dress codes should exist, the posters rubbed people the wrong way. It’s probably not hard to believe that people were a bit peeved by the wording.
my dog doesn't even deserve that disrespect
— Lily (@LILwillingham) March 27, 2017
The "good girl" just makes this straight up gross.
— Darla Mercado, CFP® 🇵🇷🇵🇪 (@Darla_Mercado) March 29, 2017
But, let’s be serious, the dress code in general is kind of dumb, too.
idk how they've kept it from everyone that girls have legs, backs, and waists, but goddamnit they will stick to that story. 🙄
— Jessica Ellis (@baddestmamajama) March 27, 2017
@CharryftEdwards so called "dress codes" are just a lame ass excuse for adults to shame and sexualize young women YIKES
— ❤1D lover❤ (@Anu_Malik16) March 29, 2017
This person was able to sum it up pretty nicely.
Yeah, you probably should’ve thought that one through a little more, Stanton.