This Viral Tweet About ‘Gay Culture’ Is So Relatable It’ll Hit You In The Feels
Twitter is full of “gay culture” tweets that can be funny, relatable, or just a little bit sad. They prove that many people in the LGBTQ+ community share similar experiences, whether it’s something they went through as a child or something they still deal with today.
gay culture is lying and saying you haven't had sexual contact with another guy in the past year so that you can donate blood
— griffin (@GRlFFERS) September 3, 2017
Gay culture is learning how to make a family out of friends.
— Decolonially Queer (@decolonialqueer) September 3, 2017
Gay culture is knowing exactly what "can I ask u something" means
— KUNTYEWEST (@kuntyewest) September 5, 2017
Gay culture is telling your friends about a guy you met then getting ghosted 3 days later
— God is a Bottom (@DamagedBttm) September 1, 2017
Gay culture is waiting in gym class for your friends to come out of the girls locker room.
— Miniature Kimberly (@20×90) August 31, 2017
But none are quite as fun, heartbreaking, and in-your-face real as this tweet by Introvert Gay went viral within days.
Oof. It’s a simple message, but it hits hard. It’s no surprise that so many people found the tweet incredibly relatable, and maybe even made them a little emotional.
This is both fun & a little heartbreaking. "I'm fun now because I was robbed of my adolescence."
— darkhölme (@adarkholme) September 2, 2017
I almost cried when I read this. I didn't realize how much I needed someone who was not me to say it out loud.
— Brian B. (@Bordo316) September 3, 2017
35 going on 18
— BJ Burris (@Beejis) September 2, 2017
LGBTQ+ youth are more likely to deal with violence, bullying, and sexual assault than other students, which has a negative effect on mental health and self-esteem. It’s unsurprising that many young people struggle with coming out and the perception people will have of them if they do.
This is literally Too Real.
— Andrew🏳️🌈 (@ScootyPuffJr88) September 2, 2017
This fucked me up
— (@disastridf) September 2, 2017
Just remember: you’re not alone. If that one tweet is proof alone, thousands of people understand you and know exactly what you went through. Now go forth and reclaim your teen years. You’re doing great, sweetie.