This Is Why You’re Not Fully Satisfied With Where Your Life Is Right Now, Based On Your Zodiac
(March 21st to April 19th)
You’re not fully satisfied with where your life is right now because you always think that you can do better. You’re never satisfied with where your life is, it’s not just right now. You think you should always be improving, always growing and learning and gaining new experiences. You don’t want to remain stagnant, your life is always progressing and it’s because you put in the energy to make sure it does.
(April 20th to May 21st)
You’re not fully satisfied with where your life is right now because it doesn’t look like everyone else’s. You see what everyone else is doing on social media and you compare their life to yours. First, you shouldn’t be comparing at all, your life is uniquely yours and you should be proud of the things you’ve accomplished instead of ranking how they measure up to everyone else’s. Second, everyone else’s lives look a lot better on social media than they actually are, and you’ve heard this before, and you know it’s very very true.
(May 22nd to June 21st)
You’re not satisfied with where your life is right now because you’re uncertain about your future. Even if you have it planned out, sometimes you worry it’s not what you really want, or what’s best for you. You don’t do well with uncertainty, and it seems like there’s a lot of it in your life right now. You are however good with change, and you can adapt to it easily. Remember that even if things don’t go as planned, you’re smart enough to figure it out along the way.
(June 22nd to July 22nd)
You’re not fully satisfied with where your life is right now because other people are making you feel that way. You don’t like to have enemies and you cherish the relationships you have with people in your life, but you don’t have to keep toxic people around just because you’re too nice to let them go. Toxic people don’t deserve your friendship or your time, and you don’t deserve their toxic behavior. Let the toxic people go and you might begin to feel better about where your life is right now.
(July 23rd to August 22nd)
You’re not fully satisfied with where your life is right now because you don’t feel like you have control of it. You like being the leader, and every success you’ve had in life, you’ve earned. I know you don’t like to hear it, but some things are out of our control, and as long as you stay true to yourself and work hard for the things you want, it will all be okay. Life isn’t spinning out of control, you’re just used to having all control, and it seems like lately you have a low supply.
(August 23rd to September 22nd)
You’re not fully satisfied with where your life is right now because you’re full of self-doubt. You’re not going after what you really want because you’re afraid you’re not good enough to get it. You are enough in every way, and if you approach life with that attitude everything you want can most certainly be yours one day.
(September 23rd to October 22nd)
You’re not fully satisfied with where your life is right now because it has no balance. You’re too busy in one area of life and not busy enough in the other. Whether it’s work, family, relationships, or self-care, you’re focusing too much attention in one region and none whatsoever in another. Sometimes life gets crazy and we forget about the things that truly matter. Just remember what it is you care about, and remember to give it the attention it deserves.
(October 23rd to November 22nd)
You’re not fully satisfied with where your life is right now because you’re jealous of what everyone else is doing. Even if you’re successful, healthy, and happy, you’re looking at the people you’re not close to, but know from a distance, and you’re full of envy because you think they’re doing better than you are. Usually there’s a reason behind the things you’re jealous of in other people, and usually it’s rooted in your own insecurities. Don’t let your insecurities blind you to all of the things you should be grateful to have in your life.
(November 23rd to December 21st)
You’re not fully satisfied with where your life is right now because you feel like you’re doing things to make everyone else happy, instead of doing what you actually want to do. The things you want and the way you want to live isn’t for everyone, but it doesn’t have to be. Don’t let other people’s normal dictate the way you live. Live life how you want to live it. If you want to travel the world, go do it. If you want to buy a house the size of a garden shed and travel the country with a minimalist lifestyle, do it. Do whatever it is in life you want to do, and don’t feel badly about doing it.
(December 22nd to January 20th)
You’re not fully satisfied with where your life is right now because you feel like it has no stability. You feel like you’re standing on the highest ring of a ladder with just one leg that’s about to fall to the ground and drag you down with it. Life is just a little foggy right now, and you’ll only feel better when it becomes more clear. Try to remember that the instability will eventually make you stronger, if you can stand on a ladder with one leg and not be terrified, you can conquer anything.
(January 21st to February 18th)
You’re not fully satisfied with where your life is right now because you feel like you’re not using your knowledge to the best of it’s ability. Whether it’s career or love, you feel smarter than whatever you’re currently doing and you just don’t feel challenged enough. So…Go challenge yourself. If you don’t feel challenged enough at work, ask for more, or challenge yourself in other areas of your life. Life is only going to be as challenging as you make it.
(February 19th to March 20th)
You’re not fully satisfied with where your life is right now because you don’t feel like you’re giving enough attention to your real passion. Whether it’s art, music, writing or fashion, you’ve set it aside simply because it was easier to. You’ve settled for a life that’s convenient because you didn’t feel like trying. Give attention to the things you’ve put off just because you know they take a lot of time and energy. The things that make you feel alive are well worth your time and energy. Don’t forget about your passion just because it’s a hard path to follow.