To All The Parents Who Do It Alone


As much as growing up with two functional parents sounds like the fairytale normal, I think it’s important to take a look at the barriers alongside the magic we gain with just having one parent. Having a two-income household to provide nice family trips once a year sounds so ideal, but what do we learn from our experience that benefits us In a way those families will never get to understand?

Growing up with a single mom shows you how to exist despite all loss. There’s something about watching someone uncover their strength that allows you to create yours.

Being the product of an independent woman reinforces ones ability to know how to stand-alone. When we grow up watching someone take on all of the tasks in the world, we’re immediately instilled with knowing we can do it all also.

We know what it means to watch our mother take on the role of a new college student, subtly letting us know that the only way to survive in this world is to grow and to expand our mind. Seeing someone before our eyes navigate this universe alone, while still stopping to smell every rose bush they walk by gives us a sense of hope and joy that reinforces our knowledge about what it means to appreciate, and give gratitude to all things.

I loved growing up each day admiring someone who basked in their worth like the sun does to the sky. It’s so refreshing to look up to someone who displays their value in everything they do, and always reminds you of yours.

Growing up with one parent teaches you all you need to know about independence, and the importance of self-love. Growing up with one parent teaches you how to be kind and patient with yourself without expecting everyone else to be. Growing up with one parent allows you to experience strength on levels no one else can touch, and resilience beyond measurement.

Being raised by a single parent embeds a natural and raw sense of humor into your body and an unconditional everlasting light inside of your soul. Children who are brought and nurtured into this world by one person will forever know they can overcome whatever this world will bring to them and know they are worthy of it all. They are strong, powerful, and know there is no clear voyage one must take in order to become the best versions of themselves.

Thank you to all of the parents who do it alone, especially mine, who teach humanity each day more about love. Thank you for being the people in our worlds who display vulnerability and make it beautiful. Thank you to all of the single mothers and fathers who show up for their bad days, representing humility and human nature. Thank you for reminding the generations below you how capable, authentic, and resilient we truly are.