To The Girl My Ex Actually Commits To


To the girl my ex decides to commit to,

I can already picture you – you will be beautiful in every way, inside and out. Your hair might be long, and it will probably be brown, and you’ll have big eyes I’m sure. Nonetheless, its the inside of you I want to talk to. 

To be truthful and open and honest, I am actually distraught he chose you over me, but I also have a genuine happiness for you both. I want to talk to you so you can both be together and happy and be the people we could not be together. Because he believes in you. It took him a long time to get here, and please do not mess that up. There is a reason you both came together and he chose you after all these years, and if you left…. 

Anyways. He will be able to sense things about you even when you can’t sense them in yourself. He’ll know when you’re having an off day, or an off month, and he’ll try to fix it for you. He’s super rational, so don’t think he’s being insensitive. He really wants what is best for you – and the both of you – even if it seems like he’s being harsh with you. He will get uncomfortable with the feelings you will have, but he will be so kind. Don’t give up on him – push him with these emotions. He deserves to feel them. You deserve to be the one to be on the receiving end of them. Because the feelings he gives you will be pure, genuine, and lasting. You will feel safe. You will feel at home. 

He will kiss you, and he might even get a little insecure with you at times, but he will let you know loud and clear that he wants you. Hold onto this – be the best “you” you can be – because he will keep gravitating towards you and your amazingness.  This reason he picked you is not superficial – please remember that. He sees the side no one else can see, and he wants that in his life. He wants you in his life. Don’t lead him along if you do not intend to be with him too. You’re special – there’s something about you that truly is different and it stuck with him. Do not let him go at the first time he makes a mistake. Because he will. And so will you. But please stay in this and stay together. 

He has these things you’ll fall in love with if you give him the chance. The way his hair gets crazy in the rain or after a sound night of sleep. His scrunched up face when he stretches when he wakes up in the morning. The way he holds your hand – his fingers intertwined and perfectly fitting yours. How he has a “thing” with wearing jeans. The way he will challenge you emotionally without even knowing he is doing it. The way he recoils sometimes that makes you want to give him a hug. How you will want to touch the scar he got on his hand from falling off a bike as a kid and hear the story of how he got the scar again and again. 

So if you are thinking of leaving him now, do it before he invests his heart in you. He deserves you, and you deserve him. So be together in the ways he was not able to be with anyone else. Be kind, but firm. Be strong, but be his cheerleader. Inspire him, but support him. Love him, and love him with all your might. 

I am sure I will run into you both on the street years from now, after seasons have turned multiple times and the clock ticked millions of seconds away. They say time heals, but it will be seeing you both together that will truly inspire others that love is real. 

So until you find him, get ready for him. He is there, waiting for you to show up too (although he probably does not know it yet). Be the best you, be the wonderful you. Be the you he chooses. The “you” you always wanted to be. Believe in yourself, believe in him, and believe in you both together. It will be worth the wait.