We Should Reflect On Our Lives More Often


In life we are always looking for something and moving forward to something more. This differs for everybody. It could be fame, success, love or maybe a little of bit of all. In my short years of life I have always wanted success and I am in the right path of becoming what I wanted. However, success is not all. After all, we do think that all of those things lead to happiness. The thing most people forget is that happiness is a mood, not a destination. I do it all the time. I live my life to the fullest , however sometimes I forget to enjoy it all.

Reflect back on the past year. Most people tend only to reflect whenever they hit rock bottom. This is a perfectly common mistake to make, however, try avoiding this. So for 2014, try to reflect both in good times and in bad times. I can assure you, both will come. Realise how you deal with either the bad or the good times and make sure you learn from it. It sounds hard and probably quite abstract, it probably seems like I have got it all together. Well, no, but who has? Another thing to do in 2014, is to never be ashamed of you or of others. Let yourself, but mostly ‘them’ be. Find what you truly want in life and you are one step closer to getting it. This all relates back to reflection, when exercising this more often a lot of things can be resolved.

I have resolutions. This year I have wanted things that in the end turned out not to be such wise decisions. I know that while you are reading this, you are probably thinking about things you should have handled differently. Try to change it, but mostly realise that it once felt like a good decision to make. If there is no way of altering it, stick with it and try to be as content as you can about it. When I would not have reflected on my particular decisions, I would not have realised the mistakes that I made. Now I have been given opportunities to alter and if it does not work, then maybe to live with it.

Lastly, and I have said this before, live life to the fullest. Don’t judge this statement by its high level of cliché (but let’s not deny that it is cliché either), but do make sure you fulfill this as much as possible. Who would want to look back as a sixty year old something, realising that she passed on so many opportunities?

image – Forsaken Fotos