What Took You So Long To Find Me?
By Jada Moore
How many times did you try, just to realize it wasn’t right and never would be?
How many dates did you go on thinking I can’t wait until this is over?
How many times have you been led on thinking this was the one?
What took you so long?
I guess you were busy righting your wrongs? Fixing your mistakes on your own?
I always knew what I wanted, how I wanted to be treated. A person who treats me how I treat me, is what I needed.
I pictured us in our house cooking and cleaning. I pictured us on vacations and holiday celebrations.
I would say you had me wasting my time but then again, I was able to go through the bad to really appreciate the good. I was able to learn what I did like and what I didn’t like. What I couldn’t deal with and what I could.
I prayed about you, asked God to send you to me when the time was right. I was still being shaped and molded so I figured you were too.
I didn’t care about “living in a fantasy” or “watching too many movies” wanting that kind of love and relationship. I knew you existed.
I was searching for you in so many people, only to find a piece of you here and a piece of you there.
Now you’re here. What took you so long?