Which City Is More Photogenic, Paris Or Berlin?
Last month, we introduced Samsung and Instagram’s international competition that pits the world’s most prolific Instagrammers against each other in a battle to prove whose city is the most photogenic. Today, we’re bringing you the work of two of the photographers in the competition — Eros Sana from Paris and Thomas Kakereko from Berlin.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhDucQ3ifYE&w=584&h=390]
Eros Sana is a native Parisien who loves to wander the city’s old streets, meeting, befriending, and photographic perfect strangers. After dark, he uses the Samsung Galaxy Camera’s night mode, which allows you to capture beautiful shots in low light situations. When the sun goes down, Samsung’s camera helps you bring the city back to life.
Here’s a shot he took for the Samsung Tumblr:
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NwTnW6HFQU&w=584&h=390]
Thomas Kakereko has more than 200k followers on Instagram. Not sure how you get that many followers other than being a total Insta-superstar. Thomas is into finding and capturing the nooks and crannies of his native city, Berlin, and using the Samsung Galaxy as his main tool for that. Here he’s seen using the camera’s Waterfall mode, which allows him to capture water as it’s moving as a blur, creating striking, unusual pictures.
Here are a few more shots by Thomas:
Pretty cool stuff, and there’s more to come, so stay tuned! Over the next few weeks, all the photography by these super Instagrammers will be rolled out on an interactive platform that allows fans to vote which are best at samsungcamera.tumblr.com, and we’ll be posting some here on TC. In the meantime, go to Samsung’s Tumblr and get your Instagram fix!