Why A Lot Of Straight Women Prefer Lesbian Porn
People wonder why there is an enormous amount of straight women who prefer lesbian porn over straight porn. I’ve come to a conclusion. Think about it. Boobs are pretty freakin’ magnificent. I don’t know a single person who resides on this planet that would speak ill of breasts. Man or woman. Penises on the other hand aren’t exactly the Vanna White of body parts.
Now (I speak to the women when I say this) think about every random time you’ve seen a penis. Whether it be through porn, instagram, Google image search or unwanted (unexpected) dick pics being sent to your many social media outlets. What’s your initial reaction?
Mine, and I’m sure I’m not alone in this, is disgust (Sorry I’m not sorry guys). Varying levels of disgust I’ll admit, but some form of nose crinkling is undoubtedly involved.
Now when I think about the other side of that spectrum (non-random penises) like those belonging to the men of whom a strong relationship (more importantly love) has resided, I remember loving their respective member. Not at all feeling the compulsive response to turn up my nose at the sight of it, but in fact thoroughly enjoying it. Desiring it.
I know you can probably see my conclusion quickly forming inside of your mind but for those of you not on the same page I’d like to say I’ve come up with a plausible explanation for why straight women prefer lesbian porn. As women (some, not all) we generally enjoy sex or other sexual activities more when there is an emotional safety blanket involved, meaning our hearts are also secure in the act. I personally think we flourish when our love life and sexual life are on the same page.
And yes, our love life is far different from our sexual one. So what I’m getting at is we don’t necessarily like penises that we don’t have an emotional attachment to, thus causing more straight women to get their rocks off by watching other women do erotic acts.
We choose to satisfy our primal desires with what makes us feel sexy, our own body parts, as apposed to what we actually enjoy in the privacy of our bedrooms.