Why Women Are So Complicated
It is hard to be a woman because you need to take care of yourself so much, or is it hard to take care of yourself so much because you are a woman?
In any way, you need to take care of yourself a lot!
“Being a woman is worse than being a farmer- there is so much harvesting and crop spraying to be done: legs to be waxed, underarms shaved, eyebrows plucked, feet pumiced, skin exfoliated and moisturized, spots cleansed, roots died, eyelashes tinted, nails filed, cellulite massaged, stomach muscles exercised. The whole performance is so highly tuned you only need to neglect it for a few days for the whole thing to go to seed” –Bridget Jones
And you need to do all these things at least twice a week, not to mention the daily routine. This is what Bridget Jones says in her diary, written by Helen Fielding, and I totally agree. We have to do some hard work with ourselves and not only regarding our body, but our mind as well.
We know every single calorie from every single product that we eat and we count them even better that those applications on your phones. We need to read all about the gossips in the magazines, about the fashion, make-up and the new hair styles. It is a lot of work, I’m telling you! And, after all, what’s the point of being a woman if you don’t do any of these?
We are a well-defined category of species that live on earth; the most beautiful, attractive and complicated one. Only WE can get from “butter” to “blazer” in few thoughts, even faster than a Ferrari. It’s all inside our complicated and sophisticated mind, but we can make it so simple and easy when we want to.
When Mark Twain was asked how would be men without women he said: “Happy but fewer, fewer day by day.”
We keep the continuity on earth and they can’t change that (thank God!) so they have to accept it even sometimes when they really don’t like it (the men, I mean).
So what if we have hundreds of pieces in our wardrobe that we don’t wear anymore, that we didn’t wear even once, or those that we keep for fitter days or thinner days, those who are all in there waiting their turn to look fab on us. We are who we are because of the clothes, the shoes, the bags, the make-up, our own home-spa, body products, perfumes and accessories that fulfill our closets, home and heart.
We are women and everyone loves us.