Why You Are Never Going To Reach Your Dreams, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


Aries: March 21st – April 19th

You don’t believe in yourself. You act confident in front of crowds, but when you are alone and being completely honest with yourself, you’re not sure if you have what it takes to succeed. If you want to reach your dreams, you need to change your mindset. You need to say, “I have what it takes to do this. I am going to do this.” You can’t keep doubting yourself.

Taurus: April 20th – May 20th

You expect results overnight. Since you are putting in the effort, you assume you deserve success as quickly as possible. But that’s not the way the world works. If you want to reach your dreams, you need to stay patient. You cannot get frustrated when things take a while to work themselves out.

Gemini: May 21st – June 20th

Your dreams keep changing. You change your mind about what you want from this world every few weeks. The problem is that you need dedication, persistence, and time in order to achieve big goals. If you want to reach your dreams, you need to pick what you are really passionate about and stick to it.

Cancer: June 21st – July 22nd

You let other people make decisions for you. You listen to what your parents think is best for you. You take advice from friends. You sacrifice for the people you love. But if you want to reach your dreams, you need to stop trying to please other people and decide what you want — even if that means moving away from your friends or disappointing your family.

Leo: July 23rd – August 22nd

You are a perfectionist which is another way to say you are a procrastinator. You keep waiting for the perfect time to make your move and the reality is that there is no perfect time. If you want to reach your dreams, you need to stop waiting and take action. Right now.

Virgo: August 23rd – September 22nd

You are too stubborn. You assume you can handle everything on your own. You tell yourself you don’t need anyone. But if you want to reach your dreams, you have to know when to ask for help. You have to know when to network. You have to know how to deal with other people because no one can do it alone.

Libra: September 23rd – October 22nd

You think too bigtoo unrealistically. But if you want to reach your dreams, you need to take baby steps. You need to focus on one thing at a time. You need to realize that in order to reach that big dream you’re aiming for, you need to accomplish little dreams first. You can’t jump ahead.

Scorpio: October 23rd – November 21st

You spend too much time playing and not enough time working. You want to enjoy your youth, so you leave work early whenever you can and show up hungover in the morning. You are too focused on the present to properly plan for your future. If you want to reach your dreams, you need to organize your time a little better.

Sagittarius: November 22nd – December 21st

You give up too easily. When one little thing goes wrong, you start wondering whether you are wasting your time. But if you want to reach your dreams, you cannot let one failure convince you to stop trying. You have to pick yourself up and give it another shot.

Capricorn: December 22nd – January 19th

You start projects, but you rarely finish them. You keep getting distracted by the million other thoughts rushing through your head. But if you want to reach your dreams, you have to follow through on what you’ve started. You can’t give up when things become difficult.

Aquarius: January 20th – February 18th

You are afraid of leaving your comfort zone. You are not entirely happy right now, but you are used to the routine of your life and are afraid to switch paths. But if you want to reach your dreams, you have to take a risk. You have to say goodbye to comfort and hello to the unpredictable.

Pisces: February 19th – March 20th

You are a pessimist. You assume you are going to fail before you even try. You always psych yourself out. But if you want to reach your dreams, you have to think positive. You have to dream big. You have to visualize success.