Your Weirdness Could One Day Change The World


If you want to change the world, worry less about the way you fit in and more about how much you stand out. You cannot influence anything by being different from who you are. And breaking pieces of yourself to fit into the world will not help you fit in, it will only make you bleed.

Your strangeness is your beauty.

You are incredible because you are odd, you cannot be classified into a type or a sort. Your flaws are wonderful weapons. Your zany ideas are the stuff of legend.

Don’t worry about the nay sayers and the people who will mock you or are determined to fit you in a box and pull you down. A friend of mine once said something to me that I have come to believe completely. “In video games you know you are going in the right direction when you encounter obstacles and enemies.” These words had made me stop and think for a few minutes. The most interesting people I know, the most successful people I know have fought their way there. They have been ridiculed and mocked. They have been betrayed by people who promised to love them and let down. They have lost jobs and hit rock bottom again and again and despite all these obstacles, they made a name and a success of themselves.

Because you do not get to the top by being well liked all the time. Heroes and the most intelligent tend to be solitary creatures because they do not go with the flow, they are not part of the usual crowd.

Being so well liked by everyone has its own problems, it means you have never pushed the boundaries or escaped your comfort zone just for a while so you can see what you can do. And eventually you become so lost in what others think or say about you, you lose the ability to become anything other than the skin of yourself you put on everyday. The only way you will find peace in this world is to just keep being you. Unapologetically, unabashedly you. And eventually you will find your tribe, you will find your passion, and you will find what moves your soul.