Words They Said To Me
A little over a year ago, I was facing the beginning of sobriety and in a really dark place in my life. These are the words of encouragement from friends and family, words that eventually helped me to pick up the pieces and rebuild myself – so I am passing them on in hopes they can do the same for someone else.
- “Sometimes God lets you hit rock bottom so you will discover that He is the rock at the bottom.”
- “We’re going to get through this, kid.”
- “I saw you at your lowest point, your miserable, wallowing worst, pitiful and dirty, sorrowful and shamed. And I still loved you.” (Quote from an unknown author, I fell in love with this one)
- “You CAN do this. Get out of the car, stand up, and walk in there. Then call me after.” (On going to my first group treatment session)
- “You can’t imagine how much fuller your life can be without drinking.” (I remember this one because I doubted it so much, but it is beyond true)
- “Who is a better example than someone who hits rock bottom and is able to pick themselves back up?”
- “This is the first time since you started college that I have been really, really proud of you.”
- “I have been through something similar, if you ever need someone to talk to.” (That was huge, I never imagined how much talking to someone going through the same thing could help, especially someone my age)
- “An alcoholic is anyone whose life gets better when they stop drinking.” (A quote a came across online and think about almost daily)
- “One day at a time.”
- “Something bad doesn’t happen every time I drink, but every time something bad happens, I was drinking.”
- “Your eyes are full of life and a sparkle that can only be achieved with a program of recovery.”
- “Everyone has their shit.”
- “Yes, I’ll be your sponsor.”
If you are going through a rough time, take words like these to heart. They will stick with you and someday you will be able to pass them on to someone in need.