You Are Allowed To Be Wrong About Them
You are allowed to be wrong about that person
That person that you thought it would finally work with
That person that you finally started having feelings for
When suddenly you realize what their true intentions are
How they aren’t looking at you the way you are looking at them
It’s okay to be wrong about them
It’s okay you were wrong about the person you thought them to be
Because it led you to meeting far better people in this world
And it taught you to not fall so fast
To not fall so hard
You are allowed to be wrong about that person
That friend that you thought would always be there for you
And suddenly is only around when they need you
It’s okay to be wrong about them
It’s okay to want more from them
You are allowed to be wrong about them
Those people who you fought so hard for
That relationship you tried so hard to keep together
That friendship that you thought would always last forever
It’s okay to be wrong
You are allowed to be wrong about them
You are allowed to want more from people
You are allowed to forgive and forget and move on from those who hurt you
You are allowed to be wrong about that certain person
Thinking maybe you didn’t want a relationship from them,
And then suddenly you realize you were wrong about them
You were wrong about them being a simple one night of bliss
You were wrong in placing them under the patterns of past lovers
You were wrong about thinking that they would only hurt you the way others had
You are allowed to be wrong about them
About thinking that they would be a certain type of person
And being so incredibly happy that you were wrong about them
Because some people you are going to be so happy you were wrong about
And that is life
It is messy and unpredictable and beautiful all at once
And it’s okay to be wrong about certain people
It’s okay to have prejudices about them and think of them differently
And be surprisingly grateful when they show you who they really are
And be so pleasantly happy you were wrong about them