You Are Allowed To Change Your Mind


It’s never too late to change your mind. It doesn’t matter how old you have grown. It doesn’t matter how much energy you have put into a certain person or career path. You are allowed to switch paths. You are allowed to decide you are no longer interested in pursuing the same things you wanted when you were a few years younger. You are allowed to make big changes, even though they come with big risks.

You might lose money. You might lose friends. The people who care the most about you might look at you like you have lost your mind.

But the happiness you experience once your new path is set will be well worth the pain. The ridicule you’ll face is not any worse than the regrets would be if you kept moving forward with something you aren’t sure if you really want.

You are allowed to change your mind, even though you might feel like you are taking steps backward. You are allowed to change your mind, even though you might have to start rebuilding your life from scratch. You are allowed to change your mind, even though the thought of reaching for your secret desires is terrifying.

You should not spend the rest of your life dating someone you are not passionate about kissing or holding a job you are not passionate about working, just because you are worried about the few months it would take to get back on your feet again after leaving the situation. You should not settle in any area of your world. You should not accept less than you deserve.

You are allowed to have a change of heart. It does not make you a bad person. It does not make you stupid. It makes you human. You are not going to want the same exact things as an adult that you wanted as a teenager. Your interests are going to shift. Your heart is going to beat differently.

You should not feel guilty for leaving behind someone you thought you were going to spend forever alongside or for leaving a town you promised you would raise your own children in or for leaving a career you once considered your dream.

You should not mindlessly follow the path your younger self created for you because you feel like you have no other choice. You are allowed to switch majors a few years into college. You are allowed to break up with your high school sweetheart. You are allowed to quit your job when you are in the running for a promotion. You are allowed to leave a situation you are not entirely happy with, even though you might feel lost for a little while after.

You are allowed to feel differently now than when you were younger. You are allowed to pursue fresh dreams and give up on your old ones. You are allowed to change your mind at any point in time, so don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.