You Cannot Be Fixed, For You Are Not Broken


You cannot be fixed
For you are not broken
Even when you feel like you are
For you are fine china
With your cracks filled with gold
That radiate brighter than the sun

You cannot be fixed
For you are not broken
Even when you feel overwhelmed
With the heaviness
And weight of the world
Know that you are allowed
To put it down
To let go
For your strength
Comes from softness
And you’ve proved this to yourself
Time and time again
As you always

You cannot be fixed
For you are not broken
Even when you’re scared
For you are a masterpiece
A real life, fluid
Work of art
The way you shrink and expand
With fear
And courage

You cannot be fixed
For you are not broken
Even when you feel less than
For you are of service to the world
When you show up
As your authentic self
In a society
That whispers
You are too much
Too little
Too this
Too that
Buy this
Buy that
You are you
And that is your gift
To the world

You cannot be fixed
For you are not broken
Even when you feel lost
For you are a seeker
An explorer
Of courage and strength
Willing to let go
Of the woman
You were told you had to be
In order to discover and create
Who you truly are

You cannot be fixed
For you are not broken
Even when you are anxious as hell
For you show up
And do the work
To free yourself
Of unresolved issues of the past
And the illusion of safety
Built on superficiality
That disconnects us from others
Like the masks we were taught to wear

You cannot be fixed
For you are not broken
Even when you feel fucking crazy
And uncertain
And insecure
And ungrounded
You are okay
Even when you aren’t
For you don’t always have to be
You are human
After all
And yet
You are a miracle

You cannot be fixed
For you are not broken
Even though your heart has been
A time or two
It has always healed
You have always healed
And you always will
If you let yourself

You need to know this
Can you know this
Will you remember
That you cannot be fixed
For you are not broken
You can’t be
For you are fine china
With your cracks filled with gold
That radiate brighter than the sun