You Might Not Realize It Now, But You Threw Away Something Amazing


You threw away someone who put you before himself.

You threw away someone who always wanted the best for you no matter what the situation was.

You threw away someone who went out of their way to make you feel special.

You threw away someone who didn’t mind taking long walks to get your mind off of things.

You threw away someone who would listen to all the drama on the phone and just be happy that you came to them to vent.

You threw away someone who could snug in with you when you didn’t feel well and weren’t afraid they were missing out on anything.

You threw away someone who cherished every single second spent with you.

You threw away someone who could shop with you for hours and still keep their sanity.

You threw away someone who thought you were the most beautiful creature on earth, whether you were in sweats with no makeup or all dressed up for a night out.

You threw away someone who wasn’t afraid to cry in front of you and tell you exactly how they felt.

You threw away someone who tried new things because he was excited to expand his horizon with you.

You threw away someone who loved your family like his own.

You threw away someone who didn’t care what we were doing as long as we were together.

You threw away someone who understood the concept of “girl’s night out” and was happy that you got to spend time with your friends.

You threw away someone who was protective of you because the last thing they wanted was to see you hurt.

You threw away a responsible, driven and intelligent guy with goals in life.

You threw away a good guy.

You threw away your best friend.

You threw away a once in a lifetime kind of bond that you will never feel with anyone else.

You threw all of this away and yet I’m the one sitting there feeling like a piece of trash that you just…threw away.