You Were Made To Fly, Not To Fall
I know you have been stumbling along, tripping over the tiniest of obstacles, and panting through the bitter cold and harshest winds. I know you have been knocked down from the voices inside of your head, and you have been choking on memories from the past, and demons who try to drag you down with them.
But my dear, you were made to fly, not to fall.
I know it’s hard to picture that now. It’s hard to see through the road blocks and through the dark clouds that surround your mind right now. I know it’s hard to picture yourself happy. It’s hard to see a side of you that you have never known before.
But my dear, you were made to bloom, not to wilt.
It’s hard to believe that there was a time in your life where you were truly full of joy. It’s hard to believe that there was a time in your life where you thought you had everything.
And now you are a crumpled up piece of paper. Now you are a shell of your former self; a ghost of someone that you used to know. You look in the mirror, and feel nothing. You look at yourself, and you see every flaw instead of every beautiful part of yourself. You look at your life, and you don’t know how the hell you got here.
But my dear, you were made to prosper, not to crumple.
I know you don’t see yourself getting any better. You don’t see your life turning around, or getting any brighter. I know you see the world weep, and you cry along with the rain that pounds on your windows. I know you see all that you don’t have, instead of what you do have.
But my dear, you were made up of magic, not of rocks that like to weigh you down.
You don’t see it now. You don’t see the sun when it shines. You don’t see the silver lining when clouds take over the sky. You don’t see the light in everyones eyes when they look at you. You don’t see the beauty that is in your mind and in your entire being.
But my dear, you were made to shine, not to shrink.
You were put here on this earth for a reason. You were put here on this earth to learn, to grow, to laugh, to smile, to feel joy, and to feel happiness seep into every cell in your body.
You were carefully crafted and collected into the person that you are today. You are full of life, even if you don’t realize it. You are full of light, even if you don’t see it yet.
And my dear, you are the most beautiful light that ever existed.
So please, know that you were made to fly instead of fall. You were made to bloom instead of wilt. And you were made to shine, not to shrink.
And my dear, you were made to rise like air, not sink like sand.