Your Forever Person Will Trust You Wholeheartedly
When you date someone who trusts you, you don’t have to hand your phone over to them. You don’t have to text them every five minutes when you are out with your friends. You don’t have to tell them every detail about your day, because they know nothing sketchy went down.
When you date someone who trusts you, they never interrogate you. They never accuse you of lying. They never search for holes in your stories because they think you are full of shit.
When you date someone who trusts you, they won’t call you during a night out to make sure you really went you said you were going. The only reason they will call you during a night out is to tell you they hope you have a good time with your friends and to remind you to drive home safely.
When you date someone who trusts you, you won’t have to worry about hanging out with friends of the opposite sex, because your person knows you would never betray them. Your person knows you are only invested in them, that you would never do anything to hurt them.
When you date someone who trusts you, you can sit them down and have a civilized conversation when they are upset instead of being blindly accused of something you did not do. Your person will give you an opportunity to explain yourself when they are skeptical of something you said or uncomfortable with something you did instead of exploding and walking away before you have a chance to explain what really happened.
When you date someone who trusts you, you won’t get into screaming matches about someone snapchatting you. You won’t get into pointless arguments about whether some stranger looked at you the wrong way when you were sitting at the bar together. You won’t have to defend yourself, because your person thinks the best of you. They have put all of their faith in you. They know you would never risk your relationship because it means way too much to you.
When you date someone who trusts you, you love them even more, because there is one less thing to worry about. You are able to go on double dates without them getting jealous. You are able to mention celebrity crushes without them freaking out. You are able to relax around them.
When you date someone who trusts you (and who you trust in return), you wonder how your past relationships lasted for so long when you were both waiting for the other person to cheat. You wonder how you dealt with all of that jealousy you felt. You wonder how you handled the distrust built into the both of you.
When you date someone who trusts you, you grow to trust them too. Your insecurities start to fade away. You decide that if they have the strength to trust you, then you have the strength to trust them too.
When you date someone who trusts you, the relationship strengthens. It flourishes. It becomes unbreakable, because no relationship can last without trust.