Your World Would Be Completely Different If You Had More Faith In Yourself


Your world would be completely different if you stopped letting your negativity take control of your thoughts. If you stopped listening to the nasty voices inside of your head. If you stopped viewing yourself as a failure instead of the achiever you are.

Your world would be completely different if you followed your passions instead of assuming your dreams are pointless to chase after. If you listened to what your heart was telling you instead of ignoring the beats to listen to what your head has to say.

Your world would be completely different if you actually tried instead of giving up before you even began. If you let yourself dream bigger, think bigger, live bigger.

Your world would be completely different if you kept pushing yourself forward instead of getting comfortable and staying exactly where you are. If you raised your standards in all aspects of your life — your career, your friendships, your relationships.

Your world would be completely different if you loved yourself more. If you stopped looking in the mirror and cringing at what you saw. If you stopped obsessing over the flaws that no one else even pays attention to and started listing out the things you like about yourself instead.

Your world would be completely different if you had more confidence. If you held your head up higher, if you kept your back straighter, if you kept your eyes focused on the person in front of you instead of glancing away. 

Your world would be completely different if you stopped playing it safe. If you took more risks. If you let yourself try and fail without fear. If you actually went after what you wanted instead of daydreaming about what would happen if you did.

Your world would be completely different if you gave yourself the same amount of kindness you give everyone else. If you made the decision to stop treating yourself like the enemy and turned yourself into a friend. If you made a point to be selfish for a change, to put yourself first.

Your world would be completely different if you said goodbye to your insecurities. Said goodbye to your fears. Said goodbye to your comfort zone. Said goodbye to the toxic people in your life who have no business being there.

Your world would be completely different if you actually believed in yourself. If you had faith that you were going to achieve everything you set out to do because you are intelligent enough, innovative enough, beautiful enough, strong enough.

Your world would be completely different if you took a moment to see yourself for who you really are. Someone who has worth. Someone who has value. Someone who is going to succeed. Someone who is never going to give up until they reach the place they have been daydreaming about on late nights and early mornings.

Your world would be completely different with a change in attitude — so change your attitude. And change your world.