Your Worth Is Not Defined By Your Failures
We question why we fail time and time again to achieve the things we so tirelessly set out to accomplish, but our worth is not defined by our failures. Let me repeat that again: Our worth is NOT defined by our failures.
We’ve become so fearful of disappointments that our progressions, dreams, and prosperities have been silenced by all-consuming self-doubt and apprehension of the unknown. But why have we allowed ourselves to become so accepting of our growth-hindering stagnancies and lack of self-improvement when we’ve allowed our lives to develop into an unconsciously predictable, monotonous routine day in and day out? Why are we constantly running into immobilizing roadblocks, and why can we never seem to find our way out of the impenetrable darkness that has become ourselves, the darkness that is our belief that we will never be anything greater, stronger, and wiser than what we are in this very moment?
Because who and what we are in this very moment is just a smidge of our luminescent existence. Who and what we are in this very moment is just a ripple in the ocean that is our intricate entirety. Yet we constantly allow our self-condemnations to impede our ability to feel valued when we are in the face of turbulence.
Our worth is not definitive of the countless battle scars that we’ve accumulated every single time we’ve bled to the bone for something that has always existed just beyond our reach. Our worth is not justified by the validations of others who will never truly understand our perpetual passions. Our worth is not determined by our inability to achieve the perfect ill-illusioned perception of ourselves that society has created for us. We have believed for so long that this flawless entity is attainable, but somehow, it has always remained out of our restless grasps, undeniably making us feel hopelessly inadequate.
We so effortlessly define our worth by our failures when it is because of our failures that we are offered the chance to create our greatest growths. We so easily believe that it is our failures that cause us our most agonizing sufferings when the root of our anguish is not the change itself but the lack thereof.
So embrace the change. Welcome the uncertainty. Take the risks.
We need to stop comparing our lives to others and stop complaining that we are not where we want to be in life. It’s time to feed our hungry spirits and uplift our silenced souls with nourishment and resiliency. Only we can manifest our futures. Only we decide if we want to live a life of predictability or welcome the Elysian divergence into our veins. It’s time that we stop feeling inadequate because of all of the things that we are not and instead embrace ourselves for all of the things that we ARE.
Our worth is not defined by our failures, it is founded by how many times we’ve seen through the darkness, pushed past the pain, and held our heads up over the mountainous waves while the undertow has assiduously fought to immobilize us within its menacing grasp.
Maybe we subconsciously manifest our own discomforts and trepidations from our distorted beliefs that metamorphosis is something to be fearful of when it’s merely an opportunity for us to evolve into people more extraordinarily exquisite than we already are.
Our worth is not defined by the fact that we DO fall, but what it is that we do AFTER we fall.
Get back up.