You’re Allowed To Feel The Pain But It Doesn’t Mean That You’re Wrong
By Rania Naim
You’re allowed to feel the pain when you leave someone you love, you’re allowed to feel the pain of saying goodbye to your family, your friends or your loved ones when you decide to leave them and go somewhere else. You’re allowed to feel the pain of loss and you’re allowed to miss them but that doesn’t mean you’re wrong. That doesn’t mean you made a wrong decision and that definitely doesn’t mean that you should change your mind. Sometimes pain and grief are just parts of your journey, they’re parts of your growth but that doesn’t mean that you should change your path or your direction or go back on your word. You’re allowed to feel the pain and stay on the same path.
You’re allowed to feel the pain of loneliness when you choose the road less traveled and when you don’t follow the same path as your parents or your mentors. You’re allowed to feel the fear that comes with taking a risk but don’t let that fear make you question your choices or the risks you’re taking. There’s a fundamental reason why you chose a certain path or why your heart moved toward a certain choice and you shouldn’t let anyone discourage you from moving forward. You shouldn’t let all those what-ifs and worst-case scenarios get to you because your journey needs you to be brave, committed and solid.
You’re allowed to feel the heaviness of detaching from the home you once loved or the people you thought you’d never drift away from. You’re allowed to feel the sadness that the picture you had in mind for your life does not reflect your reality but you shouldn’t try too hard to bring this picture to life because sometimes what God decides for you is completely different from what you had imagined and sometimes just having that kind of faith is enough. You’re allowed to feel the pain but you have to trust God’s plan and timing.
You’re allowed to feel the pain of your own mistakes. The things you ruined, the times you messed up, the times you quit, the nights you didn’t have the power to fight and the days when you couldn’t wake up to make things happen. You’re allowed to feel the pain of disappointing yourself but that doesn’t mean you were wrong either, it just means you weren’t as evolved as you are today, you didn’t learn the lessons you needed at that time and you didn’t have the tools that could have served you back then.
You’re allowed to feel the pain but you’re not allowed to beat yourself up time and time again over things that maybe weren’t meant for you. Maybe the things that are meant for you will come into your life easily and you won’t have to feel any kind of pain. Maybe for now, you’re allowed to feel the pain but that doesn’t mean you’re wrong. Sometimes you’re right and you’re just grieving the loss of what could have been before you turn that page and start a new chapter in your life.