10 Food-Related Promises Every Girl Deserves From Her Man


1. I will know your favorite pizza order, ice cream flavor, order at Chipotle, and Starbucks drink. (And I will bring them to you unprompted on bad days).

2. When we out together and you’re eating a salad and I’m eating a burger and fries I will let you steal fries.

3. I will not judge you when a few fries turns into “all” the fries.

4. I will never judge you for asking the guy at the theater concession stand to fill the popcorn bag halfway, butter it, then fill it the rest of the way (and butter it again).

5. Sometimes you are allowed to count Raisinettes as a fruit serving for the day.

6. I won’t judge you if you have Forrest Gump-ed your entire box of Valentine’s chocolates. It’s why I gave them to you, isn’t it?

7. While on a juice cleanse, any hunger-induced rage will forgiven.

8. I will take 50/50 responsibility with you to cook our meals each night AND clean up afterwards.

9. I love you means never having to say, “you can have the last slice.”

10. I respect your love of food and will never underestimate how much you can eat (or judge you for it).