10 Things No One Warns You About When You Go For Your MBA
By Anonymous
So as I struggle through the 3rd semester of my MBA degree, I wonder what my life would have been if I was warned about a certain things before I entered the hyped world of a MBA professional.
So as a part of my contribution to the society, I hereby write this for all you aspiring ‘MBAites’.
1. Don’t believe anyone who says its not about the competition and just about the “learning”. It is always a rat race for everything. Right from the best rooms to the best group mates to the topic for a project…it is ALWAYS a rat race.
2. People are going to steal your food no matter how careful you are.
3. Personal hygiene goes for a toss considering the fact you are going to share everything from cosmetics to towels to even undergarments — it happens all the time.
4. The same school rule of buttering up the teacher still applies.
5. You are going to have to suit up for stupid occasions.
6. You are going to be at the bottom most level of the “professional” food chain. They are going convince you that volunteering at as a receptionist is also a crucial part of so called learning.
7. Even though you are going to be as busy (thanks to the endless projects and tests) you are always going to miraculously find time only for Facebook and nothing else.
8. If you are the nerd type, you are always going to miss a “happening” party everyday somewhere.
9. Another thing that is going to haunt in the future about your MBA days is the level of alcohol consumption that not only left your wallet high and dry but also damaged your liver.
10. There is going to be endless debts or bad debts depending how giving you are!
All said and done, my MBA days are something that are very dear to me. I have made some amazing friends and learned so much in the process. I would like to conclude by saying that you should enjoy as much as you can for these are going to be one of the best days of your life.