12 Honest Men Reveal The Real Reason They Came Clean About Cheating (Even Though They Didn’t Get Caught)


1. “It was wrong that I did it, but the only right thing to do afterwards was to tell her I did. In a way it felt like my own messed up redemption.” —Brendan, 26

2. “I think the general rule of thumb is if it doesn’t mean anything, don’t tell her, but I think the guys who say that don’t actually know what trust is. Even if it didn’t mean anything, it still happened. I prefer honesty over everything else.” —Mark, 25

3. “I asked myself whether I would want her to tell me if she cheated, and the answer was yes. So I did.” —Jason, 26

4. “I told her because I realized I completely fucked up and that she was the only girl I wanted to be with, ever, and if it’s going to be forever I don’t think there should be any secrets.” —Max, 24

5. “I wish I didn’t because it was ultimately the reason that she ended our relationship, but if I kept it from her it would’ve affected my behavior in every aspect of our relationship and then it probably would’ve ended anyway.” —Tyler, 27

6. “Trust is everything, and it takes a really strong person to overcome infidelity. I cheated on my wife before we were married because I took her trust for granted. I told her, and she decided to forgive me. I now understand and appreciate every ounce of trust she has in me, and I’ll never take it for granted again.” —James, 28

7. “I think she already had an idea that I was cheating anyway, and it was making everything really tense. After I told her, even though it hurt her, I think a weight was lifted off both of our shoulders.” —Bobby, 25

8. “I think once you cheat you’re already being so dishonest that you owe it to your partner to tell them. If you’re going to do a scummy thing like that, you become that much more scummy when you continue to lie about it.” —Len, 25

9. “I’d rather tell her myself than have her find out unexpectedly, or from someone else. I felt like it would be less painful if she heard it from me first.” —Garrett, 26

10. “It was never my intention to hurt my girlfriend, and if I could go back in time and never do it, I would, but I can’t. I know guys always say it meant nothing, but it really did mean nothing, which is why I told her, because if it had meant something I probably never would’ve came clean about it.” —Antonio, 25

11. “I wasn’t lying by not telling her because she never asked, but that’s because she didn’t think I would ever do something like that, and that made me feel really bad, because I didn’t think I’d ever do something like that either, but it was a mistake.” —Will, 27

12. “She was the type of girl who deserved to know. She’s also the type of girl who deserves a guy who doesn’t cheat on her, and that’s what I told her.” —Harrison, 26