27 Simple Ways To Absolutely Do Your Twenties Right
- A simple sunrise, any place on Earth, can change just about anything. The simplicity and untainted beauty of a new start to a day, month, or year is one to lose your breath over every time. And one to never get used to.
- Having conversations with children will bring out the realest and truest version of life – thanks to their effortless laughter, and happiness in its most pure form. To be naive and untouched by the world’s chaos is pretty remarkable to watch.
- There are few things that hurt more than someone breaking your heart. But the thing that does hurt more is continuing to break your own heart by not forgiving yourself for loving the wrong person.
- A soulmate doesn’t have to be a romantic relationship. You can find a soulmate in a friend, your brother, an animal, or when you’re really lucky, yourself.
- Death is a part of life, of every life. But when you put aside the fear and hopelessness of not fulfilling a certain role or expectation, you free yourself of a false death of life, before you even truly die.
- There is no right or wrong way to go through life. The ideas that are set by society are examples of the way it could be lived. The path that chooses you, or better yet, you choose, is a masterpiece of broken pieces mixed with confetti and balloons. Don’t compare your story with anyone else’s.
- Family will always, without fail, be your largest fan base. Do not take that for granted, because some aren’t as lucky, and some choose their family regardless of blood.
- Laughter is not only the best medicine, but it’s the best gift you can give yourself and others. Laugh so loud it echoes, and laugh so hard you’re sitting there, hand over your mouth, not making any sound. Laughter literally lights up the world.
- Small acts of kindness never go unnoticed. Maybe for the moment – but never forget that it all starts with small gestures that become habits. You will never regret being kind.
- As much as you want to believe that the good in the world is slowly fading, you have to believe that there is just no truth to that. And if you start to find it really hard to convince yourself, then be the good in the world and let other people see what it’s like.
- Surround yourself with positivity. It’s difficult to be bounded by sunshine and grace and not feel inspired to be the best version of yourself.
- Regardless of what others make you believe, you are you, and my goodness that is something to be celebrated.
- Never lose sight of what is important to you, your values, and your self-worth. At the end of the day, you are your biggest judge and that voice inside your head will always be yours to hear.
- Tell people how much they mean to you. Every chance you get. Tell them they look pretty today. Explain to them how much their smile brightens your day. Everyone deserves a little love daily.
- Pursue your passion. Simple. Do the things that set your soul on fire. Because even if it doesn’t work out like its planned, you get to say that you chose it, and that alone has so much power.
- Say thank you to people, not for what they do for you, but for who they are for you.
- Those days that you never thought you would get through, or that breakup that seemed like it would never stop hurting, will end. And you’ll look back and realize how some of the hardest days created the person you were designed to be.
- Forgiveness is less about the person you are forgiving and more about the freedom you obtain from it. You can still feel hurt from people’s actions, but to no longer allow them to have power over you is the most liberating thing you can do.
- Traveling alone is the epitome of growth. To depend on yourself, spend time with yourself, and choose for yourself is a learning experience that can’t be taught.
- Crying is important. It does not show weakness or lack of strength. This life was meant to be felt, so feel it every chance you get.
- Don’t half–love anything.
- Remember, you can’t love someone into loving you. And you shouldn’t. Love is a choice. Every day.
- Your weight and outer exterior does not define you. Your soul doesn’t know if you have love handles this summer or not.
- Falling in love is the most blissful experience. To remove a safety net and allow another to see the scars, cracks, and edges of your whole being takes power.
- Being unapologetically yourself, without question or concern, is where true growth starts.To feel more at home with yourselfthan any other place is a lesson you’ll feel for the rest of your life.
- True friendship is harder to find as you grow older. The friendships that prevail through distance, heartache, travel, and despair are those to be held tightly. The memories and inside jokes are important to staying young and vibrant.
- Some people didn’t get the chance to make it to 27. So never forget, you are healthy, happy, and loved. This life you were given is yours to create. Never stop shining, never stop chasing your dreams, and never stop choosing love.