30 Stories About Couples Who Made A Pact To Get Married If They Were Both Still Single By Thirty


29. I knew a couple that sort of did this. One went on to get his PhD and they broke up because the work required would have ruined a relationship. “But if the PhD thing doesn’t work out, we can start dating again.”

The other stared dating, got married, had a kid, got divorced because the guy was abusive, started dating again, got married again, got divorced because he cheated on her.

Years later, they reconnect on FB. Her kid has started college at this point. The PhD thing didn’t work out for the guy, so he went into IT, but never married. She reminded him that he said that if the PhD thing didn’t work out, then they could start dating again. So she packed up, and moved to his city.

When I last saw them, they had been together for seven years.