35 Things Millennials Wish The Older Generation Would Realize 


 3. Every time you bash millennials for taking participation ribbons remember who came up with that stupid idea. Here is a clue: it wasn’t us.

4. We don’t get online just to chat or play mindless games. We like to read and learn. We just know how to make it fun.

5. I think we are the only gen to have grown up in both the pre-internet and internet era.

I remember growing up with VCRs and Walkman’s. I remember dial-up internet when the internet was still a gimmick and not all that interesting. I remember growing up in a state of constant change. Both socially, politically and technologically.

I think this state of constant change and constant adaptation is why we do so well with technology, when our parents, just one gen earlier, grew up with a mostly analogue world, and that’s why it’s so hard for them to change with the world.

For better or worse, we have been given a unique way of growing up, and we are the only generation to have grown up in both ‘eras’ of history.