50 Things To Avoid This Weekend
- Getting drunk too early
- Online dating websites between the hours of 6 p.m. and 5 a.m.
- Television
- Mumbleholes at parties
- The internet
- Crazy people
- Taxis, if you’re broke
- The subway, if you’re rich
- The drive-through between the hours of 11 p.m. and 5 a.m.
- Your laptop
- Diuretics
- Parents
- Ex-girlfriends
- Ex-boyfriends
- Police
- Confrontation?
- Your boss
- Four Loko
- Rapists
- Douchebags
- People with business cards
- Ravers?
- Drama
- Your husband/ wife/ children?
- The plague
- The person you need to stop leading on already because there IS NO WAY IT’S GOING TO WORK OUT, YOU KNOW THAT, STOP IT
- St. Patrick’s Day bro events, seriously
- Green beer?
- Hangovers
- Party poopers
- Lost keys/ cell phones/ wallets/ passports
- Mom jeans?
- Heroin dens
- Excessive porn consumption
- Collection agencies
- Binge drinking
- Email chains in which you were for some unknowable reason included
- Anchovies/ calamari
- Shame spirals
- Analysis paralysis
- Bad OkCupid dates
- Large, predatory, wild animals
- Cargo pants
- Thoughts about your student loans
- Facebook!
- News channels
- Ex-girlfriend despair
- Self-loathing
- Much-dreaded obligations
- Assholes
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image – sparklig