7 Reactions to The Piano Teacher
By Jimmy Chen
4. Dry raping mom
The (lack of a better word) “relationship” between the piano teacher and her pupil went south after she disclosed intimate parameters under which he was to operate, namely, to tie her up like a hog, slap and punch her, sit on her face, and force her tongue in his anus (among other things). He says she disgusts him and leaves. That night, confused, desperate, and lonely, the piano teacher (who shares a bed with her mom) sort of “dry rapes” (à la dry humping) her mom. The mom is like (in French; this movie is subtitled)
“what the fuck is your problem,” a rhetorical question that is only answered by a hollow cry emitted with an intensity that filled the dark room. I was both moved and annoyed.
Colloquial reaction:“Relax.”